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Monday, March 1, 2010

Standard Chartered bank - New intiative[]


Goal aims to empower young women for personal and economic development in underprivileged areas of India, where the government has identified improving gender equality as a priority.

It uses a combination of sport (in India, netball) and life skills education - communication, health and hygiene, and financial literacy - to give girls the opportunity to create better futures for themselves and their families.

By the end of 2008, over 430 girls had taken part in the programme in six communities in Delhi and Mumbai. We've also reached an additional 21,500 family and community members to change attitudes and raise awareness about the issues girls face. Our staff also join in, volunteering to plan events, write curriculum activities, conduct measurement surveys, and deliver education to the girls.

In 2008, 14 young women who completed the Goal programme were trained to be 'Goal Champions', continuing the empowerment process and helping to secure the long-term sustainability of the project by delivering Goal to new participants. We've piloted an economic empowerment scheme for our Goal Champions, using our staff's skills and expertise to train local NGOs to deliver a revolving loan fund to the girls, enabling them to achieve educational and professional aspirations.

Goal is a multistakeholder programme implementing with the help of the Naz India Trust Foundation, the Population Council, the International Federation of Netball Associations, and various local community nonprofit organisations. Standard Chartered plans to expand Goal to additional markets in 2010.

For more information, see

View the 2009 Community Investment Summary presentation

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